The Art of Co has ended
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Matteo Tangi

I am a passionate edge-worker and restless life lover.
Lead by the question: "what is my true purpose?" years ago I left my home to start a journey of discovery. Passionately I've been seeking the answer, living in more than thirty countries and exploring different cultures. During this adventure I had the privilege of meeting inspiring people and learning with them how to access to my inner truth and authenticity.
Today my mission is strong and clear: to give back what I learned, supporting individuals, groups and organizations to connect with their source and from there to act and create the life they are longing to live.
I do this following my two main vocations: being a trainer and entrepreneur.

As trainer I use the profound and transformative tools of Possibility Management creating safe spaces to connect with our feelings, navigating our inner world and getting clear and empowered for our life.
I also offer personal coaching and mentoring to support individuals and organization in life shifts, big decisions, purpose quests and meaningful job creation.

As an entrepreneur I work to create grassroots initiatives to foster innovation and positive change,
I embrace the approach of rapid prototyping and gamification, gathering small teams of individuals who are passionate about a specific social issue, and with fun and efficiency co-design creative responses.
Along the years I’ve been active in the field of personal growth, initiation processes, alternative education, children development, waste management, permaculture, community and eco-village building.